Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spring Hike

A couple of weeks ago we hiked Tokul Creek. This is a really pretty hike with some old growth trees as you can see in this picture this tree is pretty massive (Jeff's dad is not a dwarf). You get there by driving up into the mountains and oddly enough there is a cow farm right across from the trail head.

Here's Jeff giving me one of his goofy smiles. (I rarely get a real smile on camera) He's standing on this bridge which overlooks the creek. Which by the way is not your run of the mill trickling peaceful creek. It's more like rapids but I guess it looked like a creek to someone.

We took Remmy along for the hike and he was leaning over to look down at the creek too. As you can tell by looking at his back legs he wasn't too thrilled about being up so high. He didn't quite trust that he couldn't fit through the gap between the fence and the bridge. But either way I thought it was cute that he was checking it out.

So this is the creek that runs below the bridge that we are all standing on. I told you it was more like rapids. Although we did get a lot of snow this year so maybe the water level is a little higher because of snow melt. Either way it was a cool view.

Speaking of view this is the view from the trail. You can see the whole valley and the mountains in the distance. It was a bit overcast which is why the pic looks a little white and muted, but the view is spectacular. And this was only like 20 min from our house. That is the plus about living in Washington you have amazing hikes just out your back door.

And by the end of the hike all of the dogs (I only have one but Jeff's parents have a couple) were tired and hot. Libby jumped in this little creek (see this is a creek, ok enough about what a creek is) and layed down to cool off. I couldn't resist getting a shot and I love the fact that I caught her with her tongue out.


Katie said...

Jeff and Lauren!! Wow..we have been trying to find you guys for a while! How are things going? Come check out our blog when you get a chance:

The Kirkham's