Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cinnamon Roll Heaven

Sunday night Jeff and I both got a craving for cinnamon rolls. However much to our dismay we discovered that we didn't have enough flour. I figured after that the craving would pass and by Monday we would move on. However Jeff and I were still thinking of those soft sweet rolls covered in cream cheese frosting. So after work we went to the store and got the necessary ingredients. Jeff looked up a recipe that claimed to meet all of our expectations of a perfect cinnamon roll and began the delicate art of making the perfect roll. I assisted him in this matter and soon the rolls were in the pan rising. A while later Jeff asked me to check on the rolls to see if they were ready to go in the oven, I lifted the towel to discover that the pan was not full. Now I had not been present when Jeff filled the pan so I wanted to ask him before I jumped to any conclusions. But as I turned to ask Jeff how many rolls he had originally put in the pan I saw my dog out of the corner of my eye licking his lips. It was at this moment that I began to laugh and could hardly ask Jeff how many rolls he had originally put in the pan. I went over and smelled my dogs face and it was pretty evident what had happened to six rolls. I can't believe it myself that he could put away six raw cinnamon rolls. I was also impressed because he had barely disturbed the dish towel that was covering the pan. After Jeff and I sat and laughed a minute we realized that Remmy was going to have to throw the rolls up. So instead of waiting for the raw dough to work it's magic on his stomach some time in the middle of the night, I gave him a little hydrogen peroxide and within 10 min the whole thing was over. I felt so bad for him. Jeff and I baked and frosted the rolls but after the whole ordeal neither of us wanted cinnamon rolls. When we get around to trying them I'll let you know if the recipe was good. And poor Remmy will probably never enjoy the smell of cinnamon rolls again. Who am I kidding he would probably do it again if given the chance.


Elisa said...

I tried to ignore how bad poor Remmy would feel with all those raw cinnamon rolls in his belly. Eww!
You got my craving started. I pulled out the recipe my mom sent me when you guys made cinnamon rolls for a scout auction. They are so tasty. I made them over at my friend's at luckily she kept the majority of them otherwise we would probably end up feeling like Remmy too. :)