Sunday, January 30, 2011

Finishing Touches

So the nursery is mostly done however I have been working on a few finishing touches. I completed the mobile today but it's not hung up in the nursery yet. As you can see it's currently hanging above my dining room table which is where I assembled it. It's butterflies and flowers.
I got some double sided scrap book paper, cut out different sized butterflies and then glued them together in the center so that I could spread their wings and give them a 3 dimensional look, then my friend Corrine helped with the flowers as she is a mad scrapper and has some crazy tools like the cricket that I had no idea existed.
The top is the center of a cross stitch hoop which is what I tied the fishing line and ribbon to and then covered it with paper that has been cut with fancy scissors anyways it was a fairly quick totally cheap project and I can't wait to get it hung in the nursery.
I added more flowers to the mural so I thought I would post an updated pic.
So my curtains were looking a little naked so I made some fabric rosettes out of scraps of fabric that I had left over from making the curtains. I'm so thrilled with how they turned out and I think it has really given the added touch that they needed.
This is what it looks like now, I put the flowers on both sides.
So I'm 33 weeks now, I finally broke down and bought a pair of maternity jeans, uggghh so close. Anyways we're getting really excited as you can tell. It will be fun to bring her home and start actually using this room.


Elisa said...

I LOVE the rosettes! How did you make them? Was there a tutorial online or anything?

Kara Laszczyk said...

The mobile is so cute!

I still don't see any prego pics :)

Alicia said...

You are SO crafty!! So jealous! The nursery is adorable!

etta said...

Its beautiful and you totally need to have a DIY blog- not kidding at all, I would love to know how you did all of those projects!